The Moon continues its transit of Sagittarius until 6:37 PM EDT, forming a square to Neptune and trine to Mars this morning and a trine to Venus this evening just before both bodies move into new signs. The Sagittarius Moon is exploratory, philosophical, and spontaneous. We set our sights high during this transit, but if too high, the Moon's square to Neptune this morning can burst our bubble.
Optimism is one of the positive traits of this position; neglecting to see the essential details of a plan is a weakness. The Sagittarius Moon encourages us to explore, learn, and discover and today, mainly through our affections and desires. We want to make or do something special today. The Moon moves into Capricorn at 6:37 PM, and our attention turns to our more practical drives and goals.
Also today, Venus begins its transit of Virgo, which will last until August 16th. Virgo is sensual but also reasonably practical. We might enjoy our work or wellness routines more than usual, and the satisfaction of a job well done cannot be underestimated during this cycle. Pleasures and pastimes that serve a useful purpose are more attractive. We express our love through practical means and gestures–running errands, doing detail work, or just being there for our loved ones. Still, with Virgo there can be some nervousness, and we should watch for a tendency to worry or fret.
The void Moon occurs from 6:26 PM EDT, with the Moon's last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Venus), until the Moon enters Capricorn at 6:37 PM EDT (a brief void period).
What to study/google in general:
Moon in Sagittarius Trine Mars in Leo
Moon in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces
Venus in Leo Opposition Jupiter in Aquarius
Saturn in Aquarius Sextile Chiron in Aries
What to study/read in your chart today:
Your Moon Sign
Your Venus Sign
Your Saturn Sign
Your Chiron Sign
All areas where you have Cancer
4th House Placements & Aspects
All areas where you have Capricorn
10th House Placements & Aspects Look up all your STRONG & MEDIUM aspects on Time Passages)
Where/How to study:
-Get your chart:
-Time Passage App: (iPhone) (Google Play) Put in your birthday information -or Google search your aspect (Ex. What does “Moon in Scorpio”)
Have a Great Mercury Wednesday Loves!